Sep 18, 2007

Santa Lucia

As the countdown to Lucia di Lammermoor premiere at the MET is coming to an end (premiere on Sept.24), the MET has just announced that the final dress rehearsal will be available for free on Sept.20.

The MET will broadcast live one of these Lucias; alas, we'll have to wait until March 8, 2008.

Dessay as Lucia, Paris 2006, Eric Mahoudeau

Last year, Natalie Dessay triumphed in Paris with another (more contemporary) production of this opera (MET set here).
The complete review by Kozlika (in French) is available here, as well as links to the other bloggers reviews (also in French).
YouTube has not many extracts available, one of the only one is here.

Let's not forget also, that Dessay is one of the few who also sang Donizetti's French version, Lucie de Lammermoor; YouTube extract (beginning of the mad scene) here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gni !