Apparently, opera directors around the world can't run anything without some kind of conflicts. Conflicts that can only escalate to dramatic levels in countries such as France and Italy. How long has the revolution been under way in Bologna?
Forever, it seems.
Forever, it seems.
Respect pour le public! Le gouvernement coupe le budget des théâtres de 200 millions d'euros: un char d'assaut en moins. Respect for the public! Governement is cutting the budget for theaters off 200 million euros: the cost of a tank.
"Vous n'avez pas été faits pour vivre comme des brutes." Dante, Inferno L'Art aussi est un bien !!! "You were not made to live like brutes." Art is a good too!!!
NB. Marco Tutino covrintendente e direttore artistico del Teatro Comunale di Bologna Tutino mène le théâtre à la faillite! Sauvons le théâtre! Tutino is running the theater to bankrupcy. Let's save the theater!
Un vrai pays de barbares n'est pas un pays qui n'a jamais connu l'Art mais un pays qui ne sait ni apprécier, ni conserver ses innombrables chefs d'oeuvre. A real barbarian state is not a state where Art never existed but one that doesn't know how to love and preserve its countless masterpieces.
Teatro comunale, Bologna July 19, 2009